We have 39 years in electrical repair. I have a bachelor degree in computer science. When computers were expensive I opened a business fixing computer motherboard and electronics but I had to retire from that because computers are a dime a dozen now. I found myself with nothing to do so one day I was jamming down the road and pop smoked filled my Excursion and I knew I fried my amplifier so the fixer that I am, I pulled it from my truck and started to disassemble it, oh by the way it was a Rockford Fosgate old school 1991 Power 1000 Mosfet, told you, old school. I think at that time I paid $2699 for it. I troubleshooted the problem and found out it was pretty easy and a lot less knowledge needed then working with motherboards. I fixed it; it had blown Mosfets and resistors. My friends starting to bring me their amplifiers and their fiend amplifiers until I was fixing them almost every day. I have been working on electronic since 1985 that’s 39 years. You would think I would be burnt out but I love fixing electronics. Most of my business comes from word of mouth but now my son and daughter went to school for electronics so we decided to open STAR (South Texas Amplifier Repair) we found that was to long so we got Texas Amp. Either texasamp.com or southtexasamplifierrepair.com will work. We look forward in helping fix your car amplifier so you can enjoy music how you like it!